Updating the Man-cave Office

I needed to update my man-cave. I have spent way too much time with a tiny 4′ wide desk, and I kept it completely covered with ‘junk.’ I spent a few days planning this out in the room and came up with a corner desk that took up 2 complete walls. With this, I’d be going from 4′ of desk to 18′ of desk! Yay!

With the idea of a huge corner desk in mind, I set off immediately building it. I decided to do a simple 2×4 frame and use nice birch plywood for the top. Here’s a quick picture of the basic framing layout:

And here’s some more pics of it going together completely.  I used Kreg screws to assemble this entire project since I wanted to be able to dis-assemble it later for painting.

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Now came the plywood top.  The walls in this room weren’t even close to square, so I couldn’t just butt the plywood without cutting it.  I decided it would look best to miter the corner joint, and had to figure out how to get the right angle cut. I started by laying the boards out, overlapping, then clamped them together.



I used a straight-edge as part of the clamping.  This was my guide for my circular saw.


A bit of masking tape on the top helps to reduce splintering while cutting plywood.



Here’s the top in place after being mitered.  Not a perfect cut, but nothing that can’t be filled in with  a bit of  wood putty.



Now that the desk was in place, it was time for a little creativity with the shelf for the wall.  My attempts at drawing it on paper or CAD weren’t giving me anything I liked, so I just decided to stare at the wall.  Here’s what I came up with:DSC_1142


After doing this, I decided to draw this up in Sketchup.  Check out my next post for the detailed Sketchup plans and how to build this shelf.

2 thoughts on “Updating the Man-cave Office

  1. Hi Bryan

    Thank you for posting how you’ve done it.

    May I ask what thickness did you use for the table top? I want to build something similar but I’m worried if the span will just be too big and the table top will start bowing with the weight.

    I look fwd to hear from you

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